Revenants 2
Author: Amy Plum
Pages: 357 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Release Date: May 8th 2012
Review Source: HarperTeen
I wasn't presently surprised and thrilled when I read Die For Me, the first book in the Revenants trilogy. The world Amy created was unique and fresh, and she didn't disappoint me in this sequel.
Kate and Vincent fell in love despite their differences and have fought to stay together. As their love and connection deepens they can't help wondering how they will be able to make it work.
In an effort to both find a way to ease Vincent's suffering of not dying, life for Kate and the other Revenants becomes even more dangerous. An enemy they don't see coming surfaces and they have to find a way to stop them.
Again, Amy's unique mythology is what caught my attention and I absolutely loved how she's incorporated it into these books. The Revenants are such interesting characters and we get to learn a bit more about them in this sequel. Die For Me gives us the basics and even how most of them became Revenant, but in Until I Die we get a little bit more about their world and how they work.
Kate and Vincent's romance. They make me want to sigh and giggle at the same time, they're so cute. I absolutely love Vincent's devotion to Kate and his willingness to forgo his natural instincts for her. But they also have problems and arguments that Amy also lets us see. We get it all with these lovebirds.
Until I Die had it all, including introducing some new characters and expanding on some others only previously mentioned. We got so much more for this fascinating world. And after that crazy cliffhanger ending, I'm trying my best to patiently wait for the the third book, If I Should Die. I obviously don't want to give anything way for anyone who hasn't read it yet, but ahh! Next year is going to be a long, long wait!

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