Hemlock 1
Author: Kathleen Peacock
Pages: 400 pgs
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Release Date: May 8th 2012
Review Source: HarperTeen
This debut was one that I wasn't sure what to expect, but found myself enjoying. Kathleen created a wonderful world with werewolves that we haven't seen before.
Mac's life has been completely turned upside since her best friend Amy was murdered by a white werewolf. It was horrible and Amy's been haunting Mac's dreams ever since.
Lupine syndrome isn't a secret and is becoming ever present across the country. Trackers, extremists who hunt down those with the disease or full werewolves, come to Hemlock and make life for Mac even more difficult. In her search to find out the truth about Amy's murder, she discovers even more than she bargained for.
The tone of Hemlock is pretty dreary in the beginning because of Amy's death and the fact that the town of Hemlock has been haunted by werewolf attacks. This, at least for me, made it even more interesting because I wanted to know what was going on. There are those who side with the wolves and those who want to hunt them down.
I always love learning more about the bad guys and their reasons why they do the things that they do. And in Hemlock, Kathleen gives us a little twist on who the bad guys are. The Trackers definitely gave me the creeps and I could understand why Mac didn't like them either. But there's so much more going on than you first realize.
Werewolves are pretty popular creatures to use, and I found myself getting tired of them, but I really enjoyed Kathleen's take on them. In the world of Hemlock werewolves are viewed in a completely different light than how we've seen them portrayed lately. For one they are common knowledge, and for another they aren't seen as good guys.
Hemlock was a fun, interesting read and I know that I can't wait to read book two to find out just what else is in store for Mac and her friends. For more on this author you can check out her website http://www.kathleenpeacock.com/ or follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/kathleenpeacock.

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