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Fractured Light 1
Author: Rachel McClellan
Pages: 304 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantasy,
Release Date: February 8th 2018
Review Source: Author, Sweetwater Books
Fractured Light was Rachel McClellan's debut novel and one that I was intrigued to read. So when the opportunity to do this tour came up, I jumped at the chance. And I'm so glad that I did.
Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. She can’t take any chances. But when she starts to make friends for the first time in her life, she gets careless and lets her guard down. Big mistake.One of the things I really enjoyed was the main character's name. Llona, pronounced Ee-ona. It was unique just as she was supposed to be and really added to the overall story. When I first started reading I had no idea how to pronounce her name and loved it once I did.
As an Aura, Llona can manipulate light and harness its energy. But if she wants to survive, Llona will have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use her power as a weapon against the Vyken whose sole desire is to take her light. Now she’s caught in something even bigger than she can understand, with a power she can’t wield, and no one she can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger.
In this breathtaking and romantic adventure, Rachel McClellan delivers a truly mesmerizing story that will keep you guessing to the very end.
The new fantasy element and world that Rachel created was also so much fun. We don't get a lot of answers or background in this first book, but what we are given only makes us wanting more, at least that's how it was in my case. Aura's, Vykens, and others are introduced in a very unique world. I can only imagine what else we find out in Fractured Soul.
And for those who love a little romance in their books, you get that as well. Though, Llona's love interest isn't the main plot point of the story, it's still one that you root for. I found myself awwing and wanting more cuteness. Hopefully he shows up again in books 2 and 3.
If you can't tell already, I definitely enjoyed getting to read this novel and plan on continuing the series. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
To find Rachel online:
Twitter: @RachelMcClellan
And if you'd like to get your hands on a copy... check out this giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Romance is my favorite!!