Author: Killian McRae
Pages: 344 pgs
Genre: Romance, Historical Fiction
Release Date: November 8th 2011
Review Source: Tulipe Noir Press and Author
I was lucky enough to read a really early version of ALBAM, and I have to say that this was even better. Killian honestly outdid herself with this new and exciting romance.
Maeve O'Connor is a poor Irish lass living in Killarney on a British lord's estate. Though they'd spent their childhoods together, circumstances and pride kept them apart for years.
And when Lord August Grayson returns to Killarney, Maeve and her father have been struggling to pay the rent. Her willingness to do anything to save their home sparks a deal from the lord, one that could ruin her good name and the security of marriage if ever discovered.
Right off the bat Killian pulls her readers straight into 19th century Ireland. A time when there was not only a struggle between classes, but also between the British and the Irish. A time when one's good name meant more than anything and fancy dresses and fine carriages were all the rage. I've always loved reading about different times in history and Killian really made me feel like I was there.
The relationship between Maeve and August was also beautifully done. Now, this story is definitely not for younger readers, and you'll learn why after just a few pages of those two characters together. I loved reading their connection and how deeply they felt for one another even after the years they'd spent apart and in spite of the social misnomer.
If you read Killian's debut novel, 12.21.12, you'll know that she doesn't just hand the happy ending right over. There's a journey for the character's to take, to better understand themselves as well as each other. The heartache, misunderstandings, and lies put them to the test and make them stronger in the end. I literally felt my heart in my throat a few times while reading this.
I am so happy I got a chance to read this story and can't wait for more from Killian. She's proving to be a wonderful and strong story-teller.

Thanks, Megan! I blushed through the whole thing. You are too kind.