Author: Georgina Guthrie
Pages: 341 pgs
Genre: NA, Romance, Contemporary
Release Date: November 26th 2013
Review Source: Publisher
to Goodreads
Aubrey Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. Bright, witty and fiercely independent, Aubrey works part-time for the college Dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction. When she meets Dean Grant’s son, Daniel, the TA in her senior Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard’s works and an instant mutual attraction draw Aubrey and Daniel together. Unfortunately, a strict anti-fraternizing policy, made more perilous by a black mark on Daniel’s record, keeps them apart.
Against this academic backdrop, Aubrey and Daniel navigate their way through a steamy courtship, their forbidden romance aided, abetted and sometimes thwarted by a colorful cast of friends, family and classmates.
I was really excited when I saw that this was being published and that there was going to be a blog tour, so I jumped at the opportunity.
This was a fun read with witty characters that I really enjoyed getting to know. Aubrey was down to earth and focused on her end goal of finishing college. Her love of Shakespeare was something I could relate, although I can't quote him at the drop of a hat. Daniel was definitely a mystery at first. A guy that seemed to extremely intelligent, yet incredibly aloof. The more got to know him and the more that was revealed about him, I found myself liking him as well.
Oh, and if you're looking for a great supporting cast then you've come to the right face. I have to say I really enjoyed Daniel's friend Penny. She's a hoot. Just trust me on this one.
I have to say that I really enjoyed the "angst" between the two lovebirds. Their forbidden romance, at least until her class finished, forced the two to get to know each other beyond a physical relationship. It was interesting to watch them flirt and navigate learning about one another when they couldn't to show affection to each other.
And I am so happy to know that there are two more books in this series and we'll get to see more this two crazy kids. There's definitely so much more for them to learn about one another and I want them to finally be happy and free to be with one another. Is it 2014 yet?
About the Author
Guthrie has been a self-professed book hugger for as long as she can
remember. An avid reader and compulsive diarist, she is thrilled to be taking
the leap into the world of publishing. GG resides in Toronto, Canada, but she
still considers herself a Brit through and through and can often be found
roaming the aisles of her favourite British import shop.
graduate of the University of Toronto where she studied English literature,
GG is happy to fill her hours reading and writing, but she’s just as likely
to be found enjoying a good film with her husband, dancing around the kitchen
with her daughter, or hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly
with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the

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