Fire and Thorns 2
Author: Rae Carson
Pages: 410 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantasy,
Release Date: September 18th 2012
Review Source: Harper Collins
I read the first book in this series last year and was definitely intrigued, but after hearing my sisters take and reading this one for myself, I completely fell in love with this series!
Now the Elisa is Queen, she is under even more scrutiny to get things just right. Especially since she is only seventeen. There are also very few she feel she can trust: Hector, her royal guard, and her companions from her adventures previously.
On a new adventure, Elisa has to discover some of the secrets of her Godstone and figure out a way to defeat her enemy as Queen. Danger, romance, and new powers await Elisa on her quest for answers.
Some people have said that they usually find sequels to be a little disappointing, but I can say that wasn't the case with this one! Rae Carson did a phenomenal job of bringing this world to life and showing Elisa growth. There was just something more to it that drew me in and I hated to put it down, or to even reach the end.
Elisa not only had to begin seeing herself in a different light after losing all of the wait that she did in The Girl of Fire and Thorns, but she also had to begin seeing herself as Queen. She wanted to do right by her people, but not let those in her council try to steal the crown from. Her journey to discover who she was just as Queen was wonderful to see.
But the best part was her discovery of the power her Godstone could hold and want it meant for her to defeat her enemies. She'd only had a vague idea of the potential and now there's a fabulous setup for the last book, The Bitter Kingdom. Her Godstone is a big part of who she is and why she's chosen to do the things that she is, but it's also only part of who she is and the growth she has yet to make.
My sister and I spent quite a bit of time talking about this particular book and it was fun to get her take on it. But now we have to wait for the last book, which is exciting and sad. I will hate to see this series come to an end, but am excited to find out just what Rae has in store for us!

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