Firelight 2
Author: Sophie Jordan
Pages: 294 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantsay
Release Date: September 6th 2011
Review Source: Purchased
I fell in love with this series after reading Firelight and am even more in love with it now after finishing Vanish. Sophie has created such an amazing world with the draki. Also, isn't this cover just phenomenal!
After revealing herself to a hunter, Jacinda and her family must return to their pride. That means leaving behind Will, the boy she loves, even though won't remember her after being shaded.
But the return to their home won't be like it was before. The special treatment Jacinda once received disappears in the face of her betrayal and she struggles to return to pride life. Forgetting Will is the right thing to do, but Jacinda can't turn her back on him.
Not only was I beyond excited to read this next installment in the Firelight trilogy, but I also got to go to the kick off for Sophie's book tour. She was such a sweetheart and I enjoyed hearing how she came up with these characters.
In Firelight we got to watch Jacinda's struggle to hold on to her draki in the desert, but in Vanish we finally get to see the pride life. New types of draki are introduced and an even more difficult situation for Jacinda to deal with.
Characters we met from Firelight are also given more of a spotlight in Vanish. Jacinda's twin sister, Tamra, and Cassian, the pride's future leader. Even more about Jacinda's mother is explained, making me truly feel for her this time around.
There's even more left to her and the draki's story, I hated for this particular one to end. Hidden, the final book in the Firelight trilogy, will hopefully give us the ending we've been longing for, including some more Will.
I don't want to see this series come to an, but I can't wait to find out the conclusion for these characters. Sophie, thanks for giving us such a fresh and exciting new world to read about and get lost in!

Megan - Thanks so much for your review of Vanish. It's always nice to find fellow Firelight fans. I wrote reviews for the first two books too. I'd love for you to take a look - Looking forward to your future reviews!