Author: Paula Morris
Pages: 304 pgs
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Release Date: August 1st 2011
Review Source: Scholastic Inc.
I got an early copy of this and was very intrigued by what this was going to be about it. The summary alone really caught my eye and I couldn't wait to dig in.
After a tragic accident, Miranda Tennant and her family take a trip to York to help put it behind them. For Miranda that's easier said then done, since within the haunted city she can actually see the ghosts roaming around.
While the rest of her family goes about their own ways on the trip, Miranda meets Nick, a mysterious and brooding boy who helps her to better understand York's history and the ghosts that follow. But there's more going on with Nick and York than Miranda ever could have guessed. Especially when she discovers the boy in the house across from hers. Will she have enough time to make things right.
Like I said at the beginning, I was really intrigued by this book and couldn't wait to read it. Miranda's trip through York was interesting, learning about the history of the haunted little town. I enjoyed being able to picture it through her eyes.
And the use of the ghost stories incorporated was very well done. Miranda not only saw the ghosts that others wanted to, but she also tried to learn as much about them in books and from those that she'd met on their trip. The fact that they appeared so real she had a difficult time telling them a part from actual people gave it an eerie air.
This was an interesting and fun read, with plenty of ghost stories to satisfy even the biggest fanatics. To learn more about the author, Paula Morris, and her other works you can check out her website
http://www.paula-morris.com/ or follow her on Twitter http://twitter.com/pjkmorris.

I've been seeing this one make its way around the blogosphere and it keeps sounding better and better. Very atmospheric. Might have to pick this one up!