Making a plan for what I wanted to read for the month seemed to work out pretty well last month, so I thought I'd take a page from my sister's book (pun intended) again and post my plan for this month. You can check out her blog HERE to see what she's up to.
So, last month I was able to read the books I'd mentioned in my post, plus a few for blog tours and such. This month I hope to do the same thing *crosses fingers*, so let's see how that goes.

Of these I can add 2 to my Debut Author Challenge list (The Madman's Daughter and Splintered!) which will be nice. This might be a tall order because at least 3 are over 500 pages, but we'll see how this goes. I'm so excited to finally read some of these since they've been on my to-read stacks forever.
What's on your list?

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