The Mortal Instruments 5
Author: Cassandra Clare
Pages: 535 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Release Date: May 8th 2012
Review Source: Gifted
Cassandra Clare has managed to completely pull in me in with each book and she definitely didn't disappoint with this latest installment. And look at this cover, isn't is gorgeous!
After finally finding Jace and Sebastian, Clary discovers that they are bound to one another because of Lilith. To kill one would be to kill the other as well.
She is determined to find a way to save Jace, and with the help of Alec, Isabelle, Simon, and Magnus they will find it. But what price is too much to pay? And will they find what they end before it's too late.
Maybe it was just me, but I noticed a slightly different tone in this book as opposed to the others, which wasn't a bad thing. The writing and the tone was just a little bit different, more mature and intense perhaps. Either way I really liked it and it seemed appropriate for the setting of CoLS and where it was headed. I'm going to try my absolute hardest to not give any spoilers.
One of my favorite things about Cassie's writing is not only her attention to the world building, but also the characters. We get a little bit of everything from her, and yet it's so much for the series and the overall story. I can hardly remember it all, but Cassie brings it all together seamlessly.
I've been a big Jace and Clary fan from the beginning, wanting them together and loving when they finally had the chance. But after this particular book I have to say that I'm rooting a little more for Isabelle and Simon now too. Sure, I thought they'd be cute if they'd end up together, but I really loved how Cassie showed each of their struggles and the growth their relationship. I hope to see more of them in the last book. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the Jace and Clary moments that we got, because I did. They were some of my favorites.
Hopefully I can say this without any spoilers. Now, after the final battle in this particular book things have been set up for the ultimate battle for the series. I can only imagine what all she will have in store for us, and can't see any of the characters that we've come to love die. We shall see. But until that happens we have the last book in The Infernal Devices trilogy, Clockwork Princess, coming out soon and I'm beyond excited for that. I have my fingers cross for the conclusion I'm hoping for and am looking forward to how it all works out.

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