Immortal City Series 1
Author: Scott Speer
Pages: 368 pgs
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Release Date: April 3rd 2012
Review Source: Purchased
When I first read the description I thought it sounded pretty interesting and when the cover came out I thought it was gorgeous. But, it wasn't until I finished this book and met Scott and the Teen Austin Book Festival that I really wanted more!
Jackson Godspeed is about to become a full Guardian and everyone wants to know who his first protection is going to be. Jackson just wants... more.
Maddy, unlike the rest of the world, doesn't follow the Angel blogs or gossip. She just goes to school and work, preparing for college. But when she gets swept up into Jackson's world of glitz and glamour... and apparently murder, things take a completely different turn. For both.
I'll admit that I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to like this book, but I found myself completely intrigued the more I read. With a premise that may at first seem superficial, Scott delves not only into an outsiders perspective of the Hollywood scene but also into how our society views celebrities.
The story is told from both Maddy Montgomery's perspective and Jackson Godspeed's, which I think worked just right! Jackson doesn't really know anything different then how he grew up, being in the public eye. While Maddy has grown used to being in the background, invisible. And they both find themselves thrust into situations that they aren't used to.
Oh and did I mention that there's a bit of a murder mystery, too. Not only do we get fun with the angel/celebrity world, but we also get a pretty scary case that needs to be solved before it's too late. Who will be the next victim?
I don't want to give anything away for anyone who hasn't had a chance to read this yet, but I did get a question that I had by the end of the book answered at the Book Festival. Now I can only imagine what will happen in the next book, Natural Born Angel! Waiting is going to be difficult...

I'm glad you liked it so much! And that it wasn't so superficial as you expected :) Lovely review!