Hereafter 2
Author: Tara Hudson
Pages: 404 pgs
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Release Date: June 5th 2012
Review Source: HarperTeen
I discovered this trilogy last year when Tara Hudson's debut, Hereafter, was set to be released. And I absolutely loved it! So, needless to say, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel and I'm so glad I did.
Amelia's struggle with her inbetween existence is becoming more difficult for her to handle. Especially when she and her boyfriend Josh can only touch so much. She wants answers.
On a visit to New Orleans for Christmas, things only seem to get worse and Amelia has to decide what she's willing to do. And after meeting Gabrielle, everything Amelia wants could be possible. But at what cost?
Tara does an absolutely amazing job of telling Amelia's story. The struggles and worries of any teenage girl come across so clearly, but she isn't just any typical girl. I love how she manages to weave all of that in with such an intricate ghost story. It all seems to fit and flow together seamlessly and makes me want to know more.
One of the reasons I fell in love with this series was the relationship between Joshua and Amelia. It wasn't your typical forbidden romance, but yet still had all of those elements in there. Never have I wanted to characters to have their happily ever after than these two. And with the way things went with this story, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
There's still so many answers that are left to be answered and so much left to happen, but I loved what we got in this sequel. Hereafter was about Amelia's awakening and discovering happiness in her existence. Arise was about her struggles and discoveries for more. She's gotten some answers and things she's longed for, but I can't even imagine what will be in store for her and Joshua in their conclusion.
Tara has given her readers a fabulous and amazingly weaved story and has ensured that I'll continue read her work even after this series is finished!

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