Lorien Legacies 1
Author: Pittacus Lore
Pages: 440 pgs
Genre: YA, Science Fiction
Release Date:August 3rd 2010
Review Source: Own Copy
First of all, I saw the movie before I read this book and I'm actually rather glad that I did it that way. While the movie was good in it's own right, there's just so much more that the book offers and I fell in love with this series because of it.
John Smith is an alien that came to Earth with nine others like him. He has spent his entire life on the run with Henri, his protector and guardian from their planet Lorien, moving from one town to the next, never really finding a home anywhere. At least that is until they move to Paradise, Ohio and things start looking up for John.
Not only do his legacies, powers, start to surface, but he also makes a good friend and starts dating a beautiful girl. For once he just wants a normal life, to not be on the run at the drop of a hat. But things don't always work out the way we hope for, and when their enemies learn where they are it'll be a fight for their lives.
One of my favorite things about this book from the very beginning was the relationship between John and Henri. Even though John made it clear that Henri wasn't actually his father, you could tell that they had a special bond with each other. Henri had been the one to watch over and protect him since their arrival from Lorien, so they had a close relationship beyond just protector and protectee.
I also really enjoyed the background information that we got about what had happened on Lorien that caused them to flee, their legacies, even John's little dog Bernie Kosar. There's just only so much information that a movie can offer and I loved getting all of that as I read the book.
We've only gotten the beginning and I cannot wait for more. John had an interesting voice and was very much a teenage boy. I'm even more anxious now to dig into the early copy of The Power of Six that I got to find out what happens next. This is sure to be a fun and interesting series and I can't to see what else the author's have in store for these characters.

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